Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Introduction to How Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite

Like you will know every time you want to finish a problem, first of all you need to know what are you fighting with. That's why we're gonna make a little introduction to Cellulite.

What Cellulite Means

"Cellulite (also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skindimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region (specifically the buttocks), lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubescent females."

Cellulite can be ranked in three grades:

Rank 1 cellulite: recognizes no clinical signs and symptoms, however the microscopic study of cellular material on the area finds underlying anatomical modifications.
Rank 2 cellulite: involves your skin layer to show pallor, it's colder than the rest of your body and also have lost flexibility. In addition to physiological modifications observed through microscopic tests.
Rank 3 cellulite: It has seen roughness on the skin layer (like an orange peel) in addition to Rank 2 signs.

What Causes Cellulite

Cellulite normally strikes post-adolescent girls (it's really strange to see it in boys) and can appear for diverse reasons like:
  • Metabolism Changes
  • Physiology
  • Diet Changes
  • Hormonal factors
  • Genetic Factors
  • High-Stress Lifestyle
  • Etc
It's really difficult to determine the main cause and probably it's a mix of some reasons mentioned before.

Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite?

That's probably the answer you're searching for if you landed here. And I'm glad to say that... YES, It's possible to get rid of cellulite. It not gonna be easy but with effort you can finish with this problem.


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